Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lit Circles Final Project

Final Project – Literature Circles

Each group has read a different book, and you all have had a different experience with the literature circles. As a final project, you will be sharing your experiences with one another. The final project consists of two parts. The first part is both a written and oral task, and the second part is strictly oral. Each group will have twenty minutes to present both parts of their final projects.


Each group member will choose one writing task from the list below and write a one page response to the task. As you can see, some of the tasks are required. This means that your group is required to turn in a response to that particular task. Depending on the task, you may need to do outside research, but DO NOT just copy and paste an article from online. This will result in failure. If you do use outside sources, please list them at the bottom of your page. On the day of the presentations, please paperclip all of the written work together and turn it in. In addition to turning in these written tasks, you will present the information in them to the class. Your goal is to present the book, setting, and author you chose to the class along with your opinions and recommendations of the book. Do not just read your paper. Pick the most interesting points to share, briefly, with the class. Each group member is required to present their own task.


~Plot Summary (*required)

~Author Biography (*required)

~Information about the historical setting of the book

~Information about the geographical setting of the book

~Letters to the author

~Short story based on the characters

~Cartoon of the major plot points (*should be two pages and should include a short explanation of the cartoons and why you chose those plot points)

~Opinion of the novel

~Dialogue between a major character and the author

~Task of your own choosing (*must be approved by me prior to your presentation)


In addition to presenting your written tasks, your group will perform a short skit of either your favorite scene or the scene you think is most memorable. The skit should take up approximately five minutes, and you should briefly introduce the skit so that your classmates understand what is happening.

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